Alenia decides not to contest Indian MTA requirement

Alenia Aermarchi has decided not to offer its C-27J Spartan transport aircraft to India, telling IHS Jane's that it is too advanced for the basic requirements of the Medium Transport Aircraft (MTA) programme.

Australia, china, defence, defence news, DRDO, France, Germany, IAF, India, Indian Navy, Israel, Japan, Military, Philippines, Russia, Taiwan, UK, US, C-27J, Alenia Aermacchi"Alenia Aermacchi has always worked for the development of its products aiming at the top of the technology and performances. The C-27J Spartan is the most modern multimission tactical transport aircraft available on the market," a company spokesperson said on 31 October.

"The Indian Air Force [IAF] Avro Replacement programme instead calls mainly for a basic medium transport aircraft and, therefore, Alenia Aermacchi decided to not participate to the tender," he added, concluding: "India remains a very strategic market for Alenia Aermacchi proprietary products, including trainers and maritime patrol aircraft."

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